1·The rich ore is insufficient in resources reserve;
2·A glacier next to a nearby zinc and lead mine has retreated since the site closed in 1990, exposing an outcrop of metal-rich ore, where drilling will start again soon.
3·The gold-rich ore bodies occurrs in the winding part of NNE-trending fractures on strike and transforming part from steeply dipping to gently dipping on dip direction.
4·Due to putting this plan into practice, the rich ore were produced , as well as a full recovery of rich iron ore resources was realized, with better economical benefit.
5·A major outbreak of lead poisoning in children has been occurring in Zamfara State, Nigeria since at least March 2010, related to the processing of lead-rich ore for the extraction of gold.
6·Manganese ore resources are rich in China, yet with fewer rich ores but more low-grade ores, complex ores and fine refractory ores. rich ore resources are in critical shortage presently.
7·In mining the extremely fractured thin ore body, the separation of waste rock in the conventional shrinkage stoping was replaced by the separation of the rich ore and retaining the lean ore.
8·They struck a rich seam of iron ore.
—— 《牛津词典》
9·The city was established in 1580 on the Rio de la Plata, or "river of silver, " and its merchants grew rich not from ore but from trading beef, grain, and produce grown on the surrounding Pampas.
河流名称的意思是“银之河”。 而当地的商人发家致富的手段并不是靠矿石,而是靠出售牛肉,谷物,以及生长在周围草原上的农作物。
10·China is rich in iron ore, bauxite, zinc, nickel, coal and crude oil deposits.